Capturing the world around me on film fascinates me. Being eager and anxious in the same moment and never quite knowing what the outcome is until the film is developed has become an integral part of the artistic process.

What began life as a simple double exposure study on country versus city morphed into a complex web of colour, texture, beauty and harshness of an imaginary world. A world of ‘what could be..’ In this body of work, I invite the viewer to separate the real from the imaginary. To ask the question whether nature will always prevail over man-made efforts or vice versa. To appreciate the beauty and harshness of the urban and country landscapes. To ask if these landscapes complement each other and if can we live in harmony with both. To take it beyond this and ask the practical question - is our urban sprawl is spreading too far into our countryside?

I want to viewer to feel uncomfortable and disconcerted with this body of work. I also want the viewer to see the beauty in both landscapes, that we can live in harmony with both and that perhaps the two can never really be separated.

All images are shot in Bright and Melbourne Victoria.

These images are all available for sale and printed on rag paper. Depending on the size of the actual image, there may be a white border around the image. Contact me for pricing and sizing.